Memoirs From WaHi! » Years of Change

Years of Change

Sender John Stauffer
Posted On 2006-11-18
Year 1957-1961
Memoir When I entered high school at Washington the Hawthorne building still was in use. We also used the last of what was then an athletic center with an indoor track that was elevated above the gym floor. In those days high school kids still enjoyed dancing enough that we had lunch time dancing in the "rec" center which was also in the Hawthorne building.

During my years at Washington we did not have home football games because the feild was not lighted and there were no bleachers yet we always had good teams although they never were champs, but they produce players who went on to play college ball.

The Hawthorne building and the old gym were torn down and replaced with new state of the art gymnasium and a new special building for the cafeteria, band and other targeted education classes.

When the school closed the city lost a center for the community that educated as well as serve as a meeting place for other groups.

Change came fast, memories linger and the Colonials will always be.

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