Memoirs From WaHi! » mr gissell also did gospel

mr gissell also did gospel

Sender Alescia Oocke-Calvin
Posted On 2009-01-27
Year 1974 - 1977
Memoir I was failing miserably in high school until my sister pauline locke (roberts) told Mr Gissell I could sing, she kept asking me to go in and audition for him and I kept thinking singing in a choir with a bunch of white kids that didnt have a clue about music, was the dumbest thing I could do and it was corney and not cool, but I new I had skills and I wanted someone to say it, so I auditioned. Mr Gissell saw more than I saw and he encouraged me to be a part of the music program. I began to flourish, and more african american students started to participate in the music program, at first my peers made fun until they found out about out of town trips and competitons, then they joined stating that it was a easy elective. Mr Gissell then had me to audition for the choraliers and that was the most fun. In the choraliers I had an opportunity to compete in the jazz swing festival at Mt Hood community college and compete in all state, both were successful and allowed me to meet other people all over the state as well as celebraties. I have Mr Gissell to thank for changing my life. Mr Gissell allowed myself and other students to have a gospel group called the young and the rightoues, we had alot of fun and changed some other lives along the way. Mr Gissell had an appreciation for all kinds of music and while he taught us alot we taught him something too! cultural diversity. Thank you Mr Gissell for your open mind and patience. Alescia Locke-Calvin Class of 1977!

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